Submit a Letter of Inquiry.
It should be no more than 3 pages.
Thoroughly present the need or problem you have identified, the proposed solution and your organization’s qualifications for implementing that solution.
Include the following sections:
An Introduction or Executive Summary:
- Name of your organization
- Amount needed or requested
- Brief description of the project
- Qualifications of the project staff
- Brief description of evaluative methodology
- Timetable
The Organization Description:
- Focus on the ability of your organization to meet the stated need
- Provide a very brief history and description of your current programs.
- Focus on the ability of your organization to meet the stated need
- Provide a very brief history and description of your current programs.
- Clearly show a direct connection between what you do now and what you want to do with the requested funding
The Statement of Need:
- Description of the target population
- Geographical region
- Statistical data of the need
The Methodology:
- Present a clear, logical, and achievable solution to the stated need
- Describe the project briefly, including major activities, names and titles of key project staff
- Present desired objectives.
Other Funding Sources:
- List in a brief sentence or paragraph
- IRS Letter of Determination of Nonprofit Status
- Budget for the proposed program.