The Ujeni Foundation is a small nonprofit, family foundation supporting organizations that provide services and assistance to expanding economic opportunities for women through education, leadership training, and entrepreneurship with the goal of achieving sustainable financial independence.
Mission: To provide services and assistance to create meaningful businesses, work, and lives for women of color and low socio-economic backgrounds. Emphasis shall be put on minorities and/or low-economic status.
Vision: To see a future where women are paid the same as men for the same type of work. That women are no longer judged based on sex or the color of their skin. More women successfully find themselves in executive positions at top-tiered organizations. More women have greater skill sets and are utilizing them outside the home. More women have more decisions making opportunities beyond family if they so choose.
Goal: To expand economic opportunities for women through education, leadership training, and entrepreneurship with the goal of sustaining financial independence. Helping women and especially women of color in life, business, and education for a more equitable future for all.